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Our coaching approach is unique due to our expertise in helping people drive sustainable change and achieve impactful performance outcomes by adapting their behaviors and habits for optimal performance.


Our coaching methodology is based on the International Coaching Federation (ICF) framework and guidelines.


Each coaching engagement is customized to fit the coacher's specific development and performance needs, using a proven framework as the foundation for our adaptable approach.





Entrepreneurs and executives turn to coaches for various reasons, as highlighted by the Harvard Business Review. Nearly half, 48%, seek coaching during business transitions, while 26% value it as a trusted sounding board. Additionally, 12% enlist coaching to overcome obstacles hindering company progress. Whether you're nurturing a budding venture, revitalizing a stagnant brand, tackling retention challenges, or navigating market shifts, a skilled coach serves as a knowledgeable mentor. They provide tailored guidance to address obstacles, ensuring agility and resilience amidst change.






Partnering with a coach means teaming up with a seasoned ally for sustainable growth. They refine your business vision to align with your goals, leveraging their acumen to prioritize amidst daily complexities. With them by your side, you'll master fundamental tools to optimize various business facets like mission, operations, finances, and culture.


Throughout the coaching journey, you'll systematically address challenges, rectify imbalances, and innovate solutions for lasting success. Together, you'll establish a foundation for growth and resilience, ensuring your business thrives long-term.




When considering investing in coaching or business support, assessing ROI is key. You must weigh if potential returns justify costs. Coaching spans business dimensions, from interpersonal to technical skills. As tangible outcomes emerge, coaching costs become purposeful investments.


To explore the value of our coaching services and their impact on your business, schedule a complimentary 30-minute session. Gain insights on benefits and costs, empowering you to decide on partnering with us for success.





Forbes underscores coaching services' effectiveness, citing their significant impact on business outcomes. Over 85% of clients experienced financial gains exceeding their coaching investment, with 70% reporting improved work performance and communication skills. Additionally, coaching fosters self-awareness, a crucial skill for expanding networks and enhancing business relationships. Research affirms coaching's role in setting SMART goals and boosting confidence in achieving desired outcomes.





Our coaching services empower goal achievement, offering tangible knowledge for immediate bottom-line growth. We'll craft a plan for unprecedented success, providing personalized, one-on-one guidance. Extending coaching to your executive team fuels exponential growth.




Benefits of Coaching For Businesses ​From Olympic competitors to captains of industry and policymakers, elite individuals rely on coaching. A coach isn't merely a guide for reaching your initial objectives; they remain by your side, persistently driving you and your team toward surpassing milestones. Working alongside your coach, you'll identify and surmount any barriers hindering your personal and professional growth. INCREASE REVENUE ​ Increasing revenue is one of the primary reasons business owners seek out business coaching services. Learn how to optimize four key areas of your business – costs, customer experience, culture and market factors – to add massive value to your bottom line. BECOME A MORE EFFECTIVE LEADER ​ Effective leadership is essential for any business to thrive. A skilled business coach leads by example, demonstrating effective leadership traits while helping you build leadership skills of your own. Build a roadmap for success and become a master of execution in any setting with tools from Tony’s Ultimate Success Formula. With expert guidance from your business coach, you’ll become the leader your company needs you to be. THRIVE IN HARD TIMES ​ Leaders must always be prepared for the inevitable ebb and flow of economic and market conditions. One of the benefits of business coaching services is that they embolden you to thrive in hard times. With a skilled business coach on your side, you’re empowered to develop strategies for overcoming any hurdle you encounter. RECRUIT AND RETAIN TOP TALENT ​ Your company is only as strong as your team. Still, recruiting top talent is a struggle for many business owners. Working with a business coach provides the outside perspective you need to grow your team with the right fit of A-players. Quality business coaching services help you learn how to create a growth culture, foster employee leadership and retain your high-performers.

Contact Us

Insight Coaching & Consulting, Colombo, Sri Lanka​​
Tel: 0094773171369

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